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I am an electrical engineer and researcher focused on the development of control techniques for multi-agent systems. Specifically, my research has been recently concentrated on distributed control of microgrids. In relation to the industry, I have been developing Research and Development (R&D) projects for the energy sector involving the use of hydrokinetic renewable energy.
Research lines
My research interest relies on the development and application of distributed control algorithms. Complementary subjects of my research include intelligent control and robust control of agent systems. For industrial applications, I have developed controllers for electrical microgrids and power electronics devices. Specifically, my research has sought to solve the economic dispatch problem (energy optimization) of microgrids and multi-microgrids, as well as to enhanced controllability over front-end converters.
Brief biography
I was born in Punta Arenas, Chile , but I lived a significant part of my childhood in Asunción, Paraguay . In the year 2009, I have started my professional training in Electrical Engineering at the University of Magallanes, Chile. My training at the university was conducted within the program of Electrical Civil Engineering. The "Civil Engineering" is a six-year undergraduate program that combines an engineering discipline — like electrical engineering — with economics and administration (a very common degree type to pursue in Chile). In 2013, I received a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering Sciences. Subsequently, in 2015, I finished my training obtaining the professional title of Electrical Civil Engineer, with the highest mark rank among the Engineering Faculty.
As a graduate, I followed some training such as a Diploma focused in Antarctic Affairs, and entrepreneurship courses. At that time, I started to work in both, academia and industry. In academia, I worked for the University of Magallanes, as a part-time honorarium lecturer and analyst of the Direction of Research. As for the industry, I mainly worked as a project engineer for the oceanographic and marine energy company Alakaluf Ltda. From the experienced collected from these jobs, I learn all about project formulation, management and development. Also, I developed personal skills for working with groups.
My endeavour to research training started in mid-2018 when I leave my job at the University of Magallanes to pursue a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering with the Microgrids Control Laboratory of the University of Chile, Chile. My path led me to take several courses, such as intelligent control, power electronics control, and smart grid technologies. I was supervised there by Prof. Roberto Cardenas Dobson. Since October 2020, I was pursuing the Dual Award PhD degree between the University of Chile and the University of Nottingham, UK . Specifically, I worked with the Power Electronics, Machines and Control Group (PEMC), where I was supervised by Prof. Serhiy Bozhko, and by Prof. Marcos E. Orchard from the University of Chile side.
I am currently working as a postdoctoral researcher with the Institute of Engineering Sciences of the University of O'Higgins, Chile, being supervised by Prof. Claudio Burgos Mellado.